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4 FAQs About Anti-Wrinkle Injections

There are a number of questions about anti-wrinkle injections that people frequently ask. As a skilled and experienced provider of cosmetic injectables, The Greville Clinic can confidently answer them for you. This blog post answers a handful of FAQs for people who are interested in anti-ageing injections.

What Are Anti-Wrinkle Injections?

Anti-wrinkle injections are one of the most popular anti-ageing procedures in the world, helping to alleviate wrinkles and lines. They work by blocking nerve signals to the targeted facial muscles, reducing their movement to limit contraction which normally creases the skin and causes wrinkles over time. They’re often used for the forehead and around the eyes, resulting in a smoother and more youthful complexion.

How Long Do Results Last?

Anti-wrinkle injections generally take three to ten days to achieve their maximum effect, after which they can last for three to four months depending on various factors. This includes the dosage, the strength of the muscles in the targeted area, and the condition of the skin. Repeated treatments are recommended to maintain the effect, with a regular schedule helping to reduce the dosage required.

Are There Any Risks or Side-Effects?

Serious side-effects are uncommon, though some patients may experience a mild headache after their first treatment. Though after this, anti-wrinkle injections actually assist with managing migraines. Minor swelling or bruising can occur after the treatment, though redness disappears generally within 15 minutes and bruising most commonly disappears within a couple of days if any. When administered by a professional in a safe and sterile environment, risks are minimal.

How Much Do Anti-Wrinkle Injections Cost?

The cost of anti-wrinkle injections will depend on how many units are required to achieve the desired result. The dosage required can also vary based on gender and which area is being targeted. For example, larger areas and stronger muscles usually require more units. It is best to book in a consultation with one of our Nurses, so that we can accurately assess your concerns. We can also tweak doses or alternate area’s to work with a budget if required.

Learn More Today

At The Greville Clinic, we’re happy to answer any questions you may have regarding anti-wrinkle injections. Visit our contact page to get in touch with us for more information and make a booking for a time that suits you.


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