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Anti-Wrinkle Injections for Forehead Wrinkles

Forehead wrinkles and fine lines on the forehead develop with age and can be deep set, giving a person the appearance of being angry, upset or concerned. For this reason, many seek out ways to get rid of forehead wrinkles to minimise their appearance and give the face a happier and more restful expression. At The Greville Clinic, we offer forehead wrinkles treatment using anti-wrinkle injections to remove forehead wrinkles and prevent their formation. Arrange a consultation today to find out more and determine your suitability for treatment.


What Are Forehead Lines & What Causes Them?


Forehead wrinkles, also known as forehead lines, are a common concern experienced by both men and women over time. They often appear as horizontal lines running across the forehead. The number one culprit of forehead lines is the natural aging process, which reduces collagen production in the skin and makes lines and wrinkles more prominent. However, repetitive facial motions such as frowning, squinting and laughing can also contribute to the formation of forehead lines and wrinkles.


At What Age Do Forehead Wrinkles Usually Develop?


For many, forehead wrinkles begin to develop as a result of the natural aging process, appearing anywhere from the mid-twenties to the early thirties. However, environmental and lifestyle factors can sometimes cause forehead wrinkles to develop earlier in life.


Forehead Wrinkles Treatment at The Greville Clinic


At The Greville Clinic, we offer anti-wrinkle injections as a way to get rid of forehead lines and wrinkles. Wrinkles often form due to repetitive facial movements, which can cause muscles to become overactive. Anti-wrinkle injections for forehead lines work by targeting the muscles responsible with a natural protein that weakens and relaxes the muscle. This gives the area a smoother appearance and also helps to prevent future wrinkles and lines from developing.


When Do Results Become Apparent?


Results can take up to 2 weeks to become fully apparent, as the injections need time to take full effect. You can expect the skin on your forehead to look smoother from 1 week after treatment.


How Often Are Anti-Wrinkle Injections for Forehead Lines Required?


Anti-wrinkle injections for forehead lines are recommended every 6 months, with results of each treatment lasting between 3 to 6 months. However, as each individual is different, the recommended timeframe can differ from person to person. Based on your results, our staff will be able to recommend the best frequency for your forehead wrinkles treatment.


Is There Any Downtime?


There is no downtime required after forehead wrinkles treatment with anti-wrinkle injections, but it is important to avoid intensive exercise as well as exposure to hot environments such as saunas after your treatment. It is also recommended that you do not undergo any other cosmetic facial treatments while the area is healing.


Book Your Consultation at The Greville Clinic Today


If you’re looking for the best treatment for forehead wrinkles and lines, arrange a consultation at The Greville Clinic. We’ll assess your skin and determine if treatment with anti-wrinkle injections is right for you. Call us today on (03) 9824 2634 or book online.