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Teeth Grinding

Teeth grinding is an often painful and uncomfortable condition where the teeth are ground together, causing symptoms such as jaw pain and damage to the teeth. Below, The Greville Clinic takes a closer look at teeth grinding and details its causes, signs and available treatment options.





What Causes Teeth Grinding?


There can be various causes of teeth grinding, but one of the most common is stress. When a person is feeling stressed or anxious, they can subconsciously tense their jaw and grind their teeth together. This can occur when awake as well as when asleep. Other causes of teeth grinding can include genetics, smoking, alcohol consumption and dental issues.


What Are the Signs of Teeth Grinding?


Some of the most common signs of teeth grinding include:


  • Damage to the teeth, such as worn enamel and chipping that can lead to costly dental issues if not addressed
  • Sore jaw muscles that are at their worst in the morning
  • Difficulty with day-to-day activities such as talking, chewing or speaking
  • Unexplained headaches
  • Sensitive teeth that cause pain when consuming foods or drinks that are hot or cold


If you notice one or more of the above signs, you may be grinding your teeth. Treatment is recommended to alleviate symptoms such as pain and prevent long-term damage to the teeth.


What Treatments Are Suitable for Teeth Grinding?


At The Greville Clinic, we offer the following treatment to help provide relief from teeth grinding:


  • Teeth Grinding Injections (Masseter Injections)


Is the same muscle relaxing medication used for anti-wrinkle injections for the face.


Contact The Greville Clinic Today


If you’re experiencing teeth grinding and are looking for treatments that may help, arrange a complimentary consultation today at The Greville Clinic. We can assess your jaw and teeth and recommend a teeth grinding treatment that’s best suited to your symptoms.