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Teeth Grinding Treatment

Do you habitually clench and grind your teeth during the day or while you sleep at night? This is known as bruxism, and it’s commonly associated with sensitive teeth, aching jaw muscles, headaches and other symptoms of varying severity. At The Greville Clinic, we offer teeth grinding treatment to help address bruxism and alleviate symptoms caused by enlarged masseter muscles. An additional benefit of treating the masseter muscles is slimming of the jawline to enhance jawline definition.




Why Do People Grind Their Teeth?


Many people clench, grind and gnash their teeth. The reasons for this can vary ranging from psychological to physiological and everything in between, with stress and anxiety among the most prominent contributing factors. Particular medications such as antidepressants and anti-psychotics may also cause or exacerbate bruxism. We can assess these factors in order to recommend a suitable bruxism treatment.


What Are the Signs & Symptoms?


There are many signs and symptoms of bruxism, some of which are more obvious than others. One of the biggest indicators is inexplicable aches and pains that emanate from the teeth and jaw muscles, especially after waking up in the morning. This is caused by enlarged masseter muscles in the jaw. Other signs and symptoms include:


  • Headaches and pain in or around the neck and ear
  • Cracked, chipped and loose teeth or tooth enamel
  • Clenching when angry, anxious or concentrating
  • Visible tooth indentations on the tongue
  • Raised tissue on the side of the cheek due to biting
  • Broken fillings and tooth restorations
  • Sensitivity to hot or cold foods and drinks


If you notice one or more of these signs, jaw clenching treatment may be worth investigating.


How Can Bruxism Be Treated?


It’s important to know that bruxism doesn’t always need to be treated. For example, most children grow out of it, and it’s not always serious enough to warrant treatment. However, if the behaviour is serious and persistent, there are various bruxism treatment options available that can address the physiological causes. At The Greville Clinic, we can administer injections that contain muscle relaxants to relax the jaw muscles and reduce bruxism by helping to reduce jaw muscle strength. This treatment additionally slims the masseters muscles for enhanced jawline definition.


Are There Other Ways to Manage It?


Many people will spend years trying retainers, pain relief and other methods to reduce the effects of clenching, though we find that our clients are extremely happy to have a few injections a few times a year and not need to be so conscious of other methods that can affect their day-to-day lives. You can manage bruxism through dietary and lifestyle changes such as exercising regularly, quitting smoking, abstaining from alcohol and avoiding caffeine.


Can Teeth Grinding Be Cured?


Bruxism has no cure, but a tailored treatment and management plan can reduce its frequency and severity so that you’re not as impacted by it. You can rely on the team at The Greville Clinic to advise and assist you on teeth grinding treatment.


Book a Consultation Today


The Greville Clinic offers teeth grinding solutions and jaw clenching treatment to help relieve the symptoms of bruxism. Contact us today to arrange a consultation at our clinic. We’ll be happy to answer your questions and discuss your circumstances and needs.