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Chin Filler in Melbourne

As a prominent facial feature, the chin is a common area for cosmetic enhancement. There are many concerns that can affect the chin, from a weak chin through to wrinkles and lost volume. Fortunately, dermal fillers for the chin can be used to address these concerns, helping to improve the appearance of the chin and the overall facial region. Whether you want to enhance a weak chin, restore lost volume or provide a better balance to your face, The Greville Clinic offers chin filler in Melbourne to help you achieve your desired result. Enquire about chin enhancement with dermal filler today to learn more and find out if this treatment is right for you.





How Do Chin Augmentation Fillers Work?


Chin fillers, also known as chin augmentation fillers, involve the injecting of a soft, gel-like substance that binds to water molecules found in the skin. When administered in the chin area, this filler hydrates and plumps the skin, helping to fill out the area and better define the chin. Sometimes we use a firm filler to shape and restructure the chin to create balance of the face where other times we use a soft filler in the chin crease to reduce the crease in the chin.


What Can Be Achieved with Chin Filler?


Dermal fillers for the chin can:


  • Give more definition to a weak chin
  • Provide balance to the facial features
  • Restore lost volume due to the ageing process
  • Smooth out wrinkles and creases
  • Fill in clefts


How Long Do Chin Fillers Take to Work?


While chin fillers act immediately and provide instant results, it’s recommended that you wait a few days before assessing results. This is because the injections can cause swelling in the area, which can make results hard to see. It also takes a few days for chin enhancement filler to settle beneath the skin.


Are Dermal Fillers for the Chin Painful?


Chin augmentation fillers are administered using fine needles, meaning most people can expect minimal discomfort. You may feel a minor pinching and stinging sensation as the filler is injected. Our staff are patient and supportive and will do everything possible to ensure a comfortable experience.


Following the treatment, you may experience some swelling and bruising in the treated area. To assist with recovery, strenuous exercise should be avoided until after the filler has settled.


How Much Do Chin Fillers Cost?


The cost of chin filler in Melbourne can vary depending on the specific results you’re looking to achieve and how much filler is required.  In an initial consultation at The Greville Clinic, we will examine your chin to determine a suitable treatment and inform you of the estimated cost.


When Are Further Treatments Necessary?


It’s possible for the results of chin fillers to last for anywhere from 6 to 18 months post treatment. Once results begin to diminish, further treatment will be required to maintain the look of your chin. How often you require treatment can depend on factors such as the concern being treated as well as individual lifestyle and environmental factors.


Organise a Consultation at The Greville Clinic Today


Are you interested in chin enhancement with dermal fillers? Arrange a consultation at The Greville Clinic to find out more and determine if this treatment is right for you. We can also share chin fillers before and after photographs with you so you can see what’s possible.