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Frown Line Treatment with Anti-Wrinkle Injections

Frown lines are a common concern that can form as a result of the natural aging process. Frown lines on the forehead can give the appearance that a person is frowning, even if they’re not. As a result, frown line treatment is highly sought out by men and women wanting to get rid of frown lines and achieve a happier expression. The Greville Clinic is capable of treating frown lines with anti-wrinkle injections, helping to smooth frown lines and prevent them from reoccurring. Book a consultation at our clinic today to learn if frown line treatment is a suitable option for you.


What Are Frown Lines & What Causes Them?


Frown lines, also referred to as glabellar lines, are deep vertical lines that appear on the face between the eyebrows. These lines become more prominent when a person squints or frowns, contributing to a deep crease that can remain behind even when a person isn’t frowning.


The most common cause of frown lines is the natural aging process. Over time, collagen production slows down, which has the effect of making lines and wrinkles more evident. Repetitive frowning and squinting can also increase the chances of frown lines forming.


When Do Frown Lines Usually Develop?


This can depend on the individual, as with enough frowning and squinting, frown lines can appear at any age. Environmental and lifestyle factors can also have an impact on the development of frown lines. However, many people notice them beginning to form in their early to late twenties due to the natural aging process.


Frown Line Treatment at The Greville Clinic


The Greville Clinic offers frown line treatment using anti-wrinkle injections, providing a safe and effective way to get rid of frown lines. When repetitive facial movements are made, such as frowning, certain muscles in the forehead become overactive, leading to the formation of frown lines. Anti-wrinkle injections target these muscles with a natural protein that works to relax the affected muscles and smooth out frown lines, making it the best treatment for deep frown lines.


When Can Results Be Seen?


Results may take up to 14 days to be seen, as this is how long it can take for anti-wrinkle injections to take full effect. The skin on the forehead can start looking smoother from 7 days after frown line treatment.


How Often Should You Get Anti-Wrinkle Injections for Frown Lines?


Frown line treatment with anti-wrinkle injections is recommended every 6 months. Results typically last between 3 to 6 months before a repeat treatment is required, however this timeframe can vary depending on your individual results.


Is Downtime Required?


No downtime is necessary after getting treatment for frown lines on the forehead. However, it’s important to follow the aftercare instructions you’re provided with, including avoiding intensive exercise, limiting exposure to hot environments such as saunas, and waiting until the area is healed before undergoing any other facial treatments.


Book a Consultation Today


To learn more about frown line treatment with anti-wrinkle injections, book a consultation at The Greville Clinic. Our staff will examine your skin and recommend suitable treatments to help you achieve your skin goals. Call us on (03) 9824 2634 or book online.