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Crow’s Feet Treatment with Anti-Wrinkle Injections

Crow’s feet wrinkles refer to the lines that develop around the outer corners of the eyes. While crow’s feet affect many people as a result of the natural aging process, they can also occur due to excessive smiling, laughing and squinting of the eyes. Fortunately, crow’s feet treatment with anti-wrinkle injections is available to minimise the appearance of crow’s feet around the eyes. At The Greville Clinic, we offer Crow’s feet injections that work to smooth crow’s feet and help to prevent their reoccurrence. Arrange a consultation at our clinic today to determine if anti-wrinkle injections could be a suitable solution for your crow’s feet.


What Are Crow’s Feet Wrinkles & Why Do They Occur?


Crow’s feet, also sometime known as laughter lines, are fine lines that affect the outer corners of the eye. The skin in this area is very thin – up to 40% thinner than the rest of the face – which makes crow’s feet a very common occurrence.


The natural aging process is a major contributor to crow’s feet wrinkles, with the skin losing its elasticity over time due to reduced collagen production. The appearance of crow’s feet can also be accelerated by genetics, exposure to the sun, and repetitive smiling, laughing and squinting.


At What Age Do Crow’s Feet Typically Develop?


For many men and women, crow’s feet start to become noticeable in the mid to late twenties. However, this can vary depending on the individual, as it’s possible for crow’s feet lines to appear earlier due to environmental and lifestyle factors.


Crow’s Feet Treatment at The Greville Clinic


At The Greville Clinic, we offer crow’s feet treatment using safe and effective anti-wrinkle injections that contain a natural protein. Crow’s feet occur when certain muscles surrounding the eyes become overactive. Crow’s feet injections are used to relax the muscles that cause crow’s feet wrinkles, smoothing their appearance while also having a preventative effect.


When Are Results Noticeable?


The results of crow’s feet treatment with anti-wrinkle injections can take up to a fortnight to be noticeable. At this time, the injections will have taken full effect. However, results may be seen as early as 7 days after treatment.


How Often is Crow’s Feet Treatment Necessary?


Crow’s feet injections are usually recommended on a 6 monthly basis. In most individuals, results can usually be seen for between 3 to 6 months. After this time, a repeat treatment may be needed to maintain results. Please note that due to differing results, the frequency of treatment might not be the same for every individual.


Is There Any Downtime?


No, there is no downtime associated with anti-wrinkle injections for crow’s feet wrinkles. However, you will be provided with aftercare instructions that should be carefully followed in order to enhance the healing process. These instructions include avoiding intensive exercise, exposure to warm environments (i.e. saunas) and other facial treatments until the area has healed.


Arrange a Consultation at The Greville Clinic Today


Interested in learning more about crow’s feet treatment at The Greville Clinic? Arrange a consultation today to find out if anti-wrinkle injections are right for your skin concern. Call our clinic on (03) 9824 2634 or make a booking online.