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The Greville Clinic takes its responsibility for the health of our clients very seriously. Everyone is now aware, Victoria is in a State of Emergency due to the COVID-19 virus, the effects of which are evident in many aspects of our lives.

The Greville Clinic places our Duty of Care to our clients as our first priority!

Hygiene and cleanliness have always been paramount, we have incorporated additional protocols specific to addressing Covid-19, to ensure your safety and minimal disruption.

Infection Control

  • Our treatment staff are medically trained nurses with infection control training.
  • Hand sanitiser will be available at the reception desk for use on your arrival and departure, we recommend you use this and remember to regularly wash your hands with soap and water during the course of your daily activities. Alternately, for those that may be sensitive to hand sanitisers, we will provide latex free gloves upon request for your peace of mind and added protection.
  • We have sourced a sufficient supply of 100% Isopropyl Alcohol for the sanitisation of surfaces.
  • We use disposable items throughout the clinic wherever possible. Items that are not single use, are thoroughly cleaned and sanitised with high-grade disinfectant.
  • We want you to know; our Sanitising routine includes using Isopropyl Alcohol for the disinfection of surfaces between client treatments and for the disinfection of commonly touched areas such as; reception desk, pos terminal, door handles, light switches.
  • Our Nurses will wear a mask at all times during your treatment. The masks worn by our staff are purchased through medical suppliers within Australia, are Australian tested and certified to rating P2/N95/0.1-micron particle and liquid size, ensuring we provide you the best protection we can.
  • We will ensure that, before and after your treatment, all surfaces are thoroughly wiped down and sanitised with Isopropyl Alcohol and single use disposable towel.
  • For your further protection, we have removed items commonly touched including; reception table, magazines, water bottle and drink glasses. We ask you bring a drink bottle if your feel you may require some fluids during your treatment; of course, we can still provide you with a glass and drinking water if you so desire.
  • The Greville Clinic utilises hand held temperature measuring devices for a variety of treatments. You may have recently seen similar devices during news reports of traveller’s having their temperature monitored at airports. Should you or our staff, have any concerns you may be running a fever, your temperature can be instantly monitored via these non-invasive and non-contact devices. Anyone showing signs of a fever will be asked to leave the clinic and to re-scheduled their appointment.

Social Distancing

  • In compliance to social distancing, we have spaced our client reception seating.
  • A maximum of 3 staff will be in the clinic at any time treating a maximum of 3 clients in 3 individual treatment rooms.
  • Our bookings will be staggered wherever possible to minimise crossover during entry and exit to the clinic.

In the best interests of all clients and staff, anyone feeling unwell or who has symptoms as advised by our health authorities… please postpone your visit to The Greville Clinic.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation, it’s really important that we safeguard against potential illness and you continue to enjoy your treatments with us during these uncertain times.

It is important we all do our bit, working together to get through this disruption and to allow the continuation of support to as many of the small family owned businesses and their staff as we possibly can.

We look forward to seeing you at The Greville Clinic and if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to speak with us.

If you have any questions about this Policy, please contact us:

  • Ph. 9824-2634