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If you’re suffering from acne, you’re not alone. Many teenagers and adults experience acne, and it’s one of the most common skin issues in Australia. Read on to learn more about the symptoms, causes and recommended treatments for acne.





What Are the Symptoms of Acne?


The symptoms of acne can range depending on the severity of the breakout. In early stages, acne may appear on the skin as blackheads or whiteheads, while in later stages it can progress to papules, cysts and nodules. Here’s a brief description of each symptom to assist with identification:


  • Blackheads are open comedones , where the plug of a clogged pore is exposed to the air
  • Whiteheads are closed comedones, where the plug of a clogged pore isn’t exposed to the air
  • Papules are pus-filled pimples that occur when whiteheads or blackheads become infected
  • Cysts or nodules are deep lesions that can cause pain and scarring



What Causes Acne?


It’s important to determine the cause of acne where possible to help guide treatment options and prevent its reoccurrence in the future. However, acne doesn’t have one single cause. In fact, there are a number of factors that can contribute to acne. The most common causes can include:


  • Genetics – Having a history of acne in your family
  • Clogged pores – Pores that are clogged and congested with make-up or dead skin cells
  • Poor diet – Eating too much junk food or consuming a diet high in sugar and saturated fat
  • Hormones – Changes in hormones or imbalances, such as during puberty or pregnancy
  • Stress – When the body is experiencing stress or fatigue, it can be more susceptible to an acne breakout


What Treatments Are Suitable for Acne?


The Greville Clinic offers a variety of acne treatments that can help to clear up the skin and reduce the appearance of active acne. Our available acne treatments include:


  • Lumixa
  • IPL
  • LED Therapy
  • Chemical Peels
  • Hydrodermabrasion
  • Skin Needling for acne scarring
  • Good Skincare Products


Get Help with Acne Today at The Greville Clinic


For help with active acne, arrange a complimentary consultation at The Greville Clinic today. We can assess your skin, determine the severity of your acne breakout, and recommend a tailored treatment plan for clearer, less congested skin.